Saturday, July 14, 2007

You, me and baby make three!

Well the word is out, Sarah is pregnant! She told her mom this week, I told my mother shortly there after, and all is well! It was an incredible weight of Sarah's shoulders to have told her mother, and more importantly that she was so happy for us!

My mother was ECSTATIC! She's wanted grandchildren so long I stopped paying attention to that odd baying noise in the background. My brother called me about 15 minutes after I spoke with my mother and said that I had just made her decade. He also called to concede Golden Boy to me. He thinks there is no way he could win now and wanted let me have the victory with dignity.

I had very good intentions of posting a picture of our positive pregnancy test here, but I don't have my card reader here at work, so that will have to wait till I get home this week. But I think this nice generic picture I lifted from the EPT site looks pretty sharp. Sarah is so fun because she tells me all her little neurosis.... like how she felt like a tool for being the total spaz monkey and taking 3 tests. As a man, you just figure those things are clear as day, but she shared with me one that was totally ambiguous. Manufacturing that sort of product ought warrant a speedy beheading. (see China) However the deal was pretty much sealed with the digital read out that said PREGNANT, and didn't have the the NOT in front of it.
We go to the OB/GYN office this week get two buckets of blood drawn, well when I say we, I mean Sarah. I'll be sure to feed her lots of iron and maybe a few illicit epoeiten shots when she's not looking. Apparently by quantifying the hormones in the blood you can pretty reliably nail down how far along she is and we'll be able to give everyone some sort of due date. Per her "Wheel of the End of Your Life" we think we're due for touch down in Adulthood during March.

This week Sarah and I spent a lot of quality time with her sisters kids Kevin and Kayla. Her parents had dropped them of at grandma's house and were in up Tahoe for a couple of days. Her brother-in-law seemed to enjoy making the point to me that this was the first time they'd been away like that since Kevin was born..... FIVE YEARS AGO. Way to help a brother out!! It was a good peek into really good parenting and I'll definitely reference their example when pulling my own hair out. We spent most of Thursday afternoon swimming, man can these kids go-go-go. Reminds me of being a kid on the lake... we NEVER got out of the water. Kayla is completely fearless, which instills fear in anyone else who has to watch her doing flips in the water and determined not to come up for breath until she's done one!! Kevin is more cautious, but very deliberate, as he's thought things through, run some thought experiments and settled on the best method still not quite sure if it will work. You can almost see the wheels turning in his head.


Mara Campbell said...

What's up Captain Awesome??? Good to see you're spending quality time at work...updating your blog. It was really great to meet you this week, thanks for taking care of my kids. :-) Kinda a baptism by fire, huh? Sorry about all the inappropriate comments I probably made, I am SOOO excited for you and Sarah!

I'm checking back to this blog soon...because i'm sure Captain America will be up to no good...and will blog about it...

J. said...

Wow!! Now I can keep up with your shiz out there and cyber spy on you ANY time I want....awwwwwesome, as cyber spying happens to be my number one way of procrastinating when I should be studying neurons, hormones, or any sort of thing you need to know to one day be a doctor. So, I expect much fun and entertaining and "Jason" news, plus photos galore of you, Sarah, and the fetus - aka your baby to be. Hollah from the east coast to the baby maker on the west coast!! hollah to your swimmers!! hahaha! Talk soon...and count me in for october!