Thursday, November 6, 2008

I finally voted for a winner!

For the first time since Clinton I've voted for a winner! I seriously had formulated plans for moving to New Zealand if the American people couldn't wake up and do the right thing this time around. I don't think Obama is a saint or my personal saviour, but I do think that he is a person who lives in the same world as I do and will honestly try and make things better.

And we totally got a hologram from CNN. I am sure it is just a matter of time before this gets used in an "adult" fashion. Zippity doo daa!

The sad thing about this election though, is my discovery that some people whom I thought were smart, rational people, turned out to be avid Palin supporters. I say Palin only, as I respect John McCain but disagree with him. Palin on the other hand, is a moron, and if for some reason you think she actually was qualified to be the vice president, I can come to only one conclusion: You are mentally retarded and need to stop breathing because you are simply an oxygen thief. ***A few provinces of Dumbfuckistan petitioned the US for admission to the Union. They are now ex-Real Americans according to the Oxygen Thieves***