Thursday, October 18, 2007

My Maine Squeeze

Ms. Sarah and I took a trip to Maine a couple of weeks ago, and had a great time! Well, there was one bump.... but we'll get to that.

Our flight was uneventful, except for me locking the key to gate at the marina on the boat. At least we were on our way out the door by then and figured we could deal with it when we got back. After a quick 5 1/2 hours where I was humilated at scrabble a couple of times, we were safely in Boston. A quick busride up 95 and we were in Maine! Dad picked up some lobsters for our first dinner at home... Sarah had never seen on alive before...

All too soon for the lobsters the water was boiling away, and it was time for feasting!

The following day it was time for sight seeing! As Sarah's sister, only someone from Maine would have a "favourite" lighthouse.... I happen to have three! We went to see them all! First up was Two Lights.... This was also where Sarah got a crab roll, that ended up giving her food poising VERY VERY VERY badly. As Forrest Gump said, "That's all I have to say about that..."

We hiked around there for a bit and checked out the tidepools. The weather was GORGEOUS, actually quite warm for that time of year. We were able to drive around with the top down on the car all day long! We progressed further up the coast to the next stop, Portland Head Light!

Well before the onset of Sarah's woes, we sank our teeth into a real Maine treat, Whoopie Pies! My lovely wife to be is beautiful indeed, especially in the picture above... but doesn't look bad in the pictures below either!

The next lighthouse was Spring Point. It sits way out on a breakwater you get to walk out on in order to get to the light. We saw one guy hooking some pretty good size fish. From the end you can see a bunch of forts in Casco Bay... ranging from War of 1812 to Civil War vintage.

Okay, thats enough for now! Stay tuned for Part Deux!