Monday, September 29, 2008

Sarah Palin : Bikini Godess

Okay, okay... enough already. Yes, she's not very bright, worldly, compassionate, or truthful. At least she looks good with some white trash chicks body pasted to her head.

To say Sarah Palin would be horrible for America is like saying the center of the sun is hot. Maybe she is not evil, maybe I am just a horrible person who thinks the Bush Doctrine (which I could explain in an interview if asked...) is an incredibly self-centered, short sighted, infantile view of the way the world works. Maybe it is me who is wrong for thinking that a rational approach to government management of our free market society would probably be a good discussion to have. She can see Russia from her house, which makes her a foreign policy expert. So far as I know she poops too, which makes her an authority on waste water treatment. I've had a piece of moose meat in the freezer longer than this right wing bible thumping weirdo has had her passport. Seriously.
Some of my coworkers complained that she was picked on by "Charlie" during his interview with her by asking her "hard questions". I haven't had a chance yet to ask them if Katie Couric (a real hard hitting news reporter if ever there was one) was picking on her when she asked Palin to list examples of McCain's ability to manage a serious economic concerns. Sarah Palin's astounding ability to sound like the dumbest person on earth has probably nothing to do with why we haven't seen her give any other interviews lately. McCain MUST be scratching his head at this point, wondering if the real definition of hockey mom is some crazy bitch who got hit in the head with a puck...

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