Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Art, it giveth me so much joy!!

I awoke this morning to the a new art installation in my front yard. I don't know who or what glorious being is responsible for bringing this light to my life, but I thank them. In a world so often turned ugly by the violence and senselessness of the human race, its so nice to know that somewhere, somehow, beauty remains. I present to you some pictures of this marvelous bit of avant garde magnificence.

Is this a statement about the Earth's forests being overrun by machines? Is it a plea for release from the surly bonds of gravity? Did a hobo fall from the sky whilst ballooning? Do aliens wear sneakers and drop them sometimes during anal probes? We might never know. Just enjoy.


Mara Campbell said...

Whoever left that incredible art in your yard must be frickin' genuises!!!! Did I spell that right? Probably not, so you know it wasn't me!!

Anonymous said...

apparently there were quasi-naked runners in your neighborhood...did the neighbors' trees have t-shirts and shorts in them, or did they wait until further along the road??