Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year from Maine!

Just a quick update for now, as there are pizzas in the oven! Miss Sarah and I are in Maine and enjoying a REAL Maine winter! There have been three storms since we got here! This morning the snow stopped and we went out to play, and Sarah caught this great vid of Abbey, my folks 10 month old Newf puppy. Enjoy!


Chicago Sarah said...

I am so jealous of you right now.

Starting my FNP classes in 12 days, if I can get registered... :)

Enjoy your time home!

Anonymous said...

ME TOO!! It was cold enough here this morning- 27F! but no snow...sigh. So awesome to get caught up on your blog- sounds like you and your Sarah are great for each other- I've never heard you that happy about someone!