Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Olympic Trampoline??? Seriously?

I guess its an indicator that I need to do more actual work at work, but this week we've been able to catch a lot of the Olympics while at the hospital in the conference room. Mid-day Olympics broadcast is really pretty interesting, at least compared the smarmy flashback crap NBC broadcasts during about of 30% of its quasi-live prime time coverage. I've seen some dressage, archery, water polo, handball (another questionable sport), but I actually was speechless when the Olympic Trampoline QUALIFYING HEATS blessed the screen.
Ummm, what?? Trampolines and washed up gymnasts does not an Olympic sport make in my book. In both real gymnastics and trampoline men wear suits that could generously be called plum smugglers. Those guys, while looking ever so dainty, can do moves requiring muscle strength far beyond that of most mortals. The women look sort of like like women, as much as you can expect a 12 year olds to look like a woman, but their strength is also incredibly impressive, and their finesse makes the men look like lumbering idiots.

Trampoline on the other hand, is just outright freaking lame. If you're gonna stroll around in pants or leotards that broadcast gender specific camel toe to the entire world, you'd better have the stuff to back it up. Trampoline "atheletes" clearly do not have that stuff.The last I checked trampolines were for the following:
1. Mormon families: they are cheap entertainment when you have 20 kids
2. Gymnasts who are practicing
3. Douche bags like the guys in the picture above.

Like all sports, the US is decades away from fielding a generation of good trampoline artists. I'd like to think it is because no red blooded American would ever stain the flag's good name by competeing in this ridculous "sport", but it only because we don't start our atheletes like China does. **See picture below***
For my money, even synchronized swimming (not surprisingly being broadcast right now on Oxygen along with dressage....) is a more of a sport. Gimme a sport where you're trying to lift so much weight that you pee yourself, and I'll stand up and cheer any day.


Anonymous said...

PLUM SMUGGLERS?!? Too freakin' funny. I'm gonna have to start incorporating that phrase into everyday conversation.

Mara Campbell said...

OMG I love PLUM SMUGGLERS!!!!!! Although a more complimentary term might be Orange smugglers or at least Pear smugglers.